Friday 14 October 2011

Recipe of Dimer Jhol (Egg Curry)

Hard boil the eggs and peel. Heat a little amount of oil, and fry the eggs. Add water to just cover the eggs, not a whole lot. Now add a teaspoon and half [depending on how many eggs reduce or increase. I have about 6/8 eggs in mind] turmeric powder, chili powder according to your taste, salt, sliced green pepper, cilantros chopped, a tablespoon of musturd oil [if you don't have it, forget it!] and a couple of tomatoes cut up. Mix them in the water delicately, cover and simmer in med.high til the gravy has a heavier consistency with the tomatoes getting mushy and roughly mixed into the gravy [about 15 minutes approx.] and do not look like water with spices mixed in it. [Stir occasionally and delicately while it's cooking to turn the eggs and to prevent burning.] It's done, eat with plain rice.

‘Dimer jhol' has quite a few variations, the process of cooking being the same, let me give you the ingredients used.

1. Plain jhol: Use just turmeric, chili powder, salt, sliced green pepper, cilantro and if you can, mustard oil.
2. Sorshe diye: With above ingredients use ground mustard [a tablespoonful or less, according to taste] before 5 minutes left of cooking.
3. With garlic and mustard: Use all the steps above, only crush a couple of garlic cloves and add it right before you are adding water to the oil and saute for a second.
4. Try no.3 without tomatoes.

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